the graphic design blog that speaks the truth

I’ve not so secretly been working on my first ever complete typeface design and subsequent font for the past three years. For those who haven’t done this before I can’t begin to tell you how labourious the whole process is. I’ve pretty much drawn up the majority of the letterforms and extras bar a few symbols which I may or may not decide to include. The main intention is for this to be used as a display typeface, though when I original first designed the original ‘GOLD’ logotype, the idea was to produce a set of forms that could easily be used to create ambigrams.

I’m hoping to release this font for general sale in the next couple of months and then I’ll spend time working on the rest of the weights, which hopefully won’t take as long as this one has. Let me know what you think…



  1. 09/11/12
    11:15 pm
    Waiting anxiously!
  2. 12/01/13
    11:27 pm
    It is an aesthetic typeface and a modern font. I would love to use it in my designs!
  3. 06/06/13
    5:08 am
    Super slick. Stimulates all my senses.
  4. 27/02/17
    7:10 am
    i want to download this font please sent the link thorough me email
  5. 01/03/17
    1:44 pm
    sir, I happen to see your font GOLD it is charming and i think it is derived from petal shapes i love this font swaminathan
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