the graphic design blog that speaks the truth

Finally. It’s been 6 years since there has been a proper website on my home domain. You know how the old story goes, a cobbler never has time to mend his own shoes, and that has been the case for myself, hence the previous tongue-in-cheek placeholder. I’ve made a concerted effort to make some time to get the portfolio website up and running over the past couple of months, along with the great help from my brother, Dan, who has now joined me in collaboration. He will be working alongside me doing all the jobs I don’t like doing, such as web development and making my own food. This should allow us more time to focus on our own specialist areas and also raise the standard of work as a whole.

Have a poke around the site and I promise blog posts will be much more bountiful and commonplace in the future.



  1. 08/02/12
    4:50 pm
    Love the new look. Very inspiring stuff. The 'stats' area at the bottom is great.
  2. 08/02/12
    7:36 pm
    Congrats man, been waiting for this for long!
  3. 08/02/12
    10:57 pm
    Let the revolution begin!!!!
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